We are open to any student in the Berkley School District, 5 - 18 years, who can swim at least one length of the pool unassisted. The Hurricane Swim Team holds daily practices from May - July competing in the Northwest Suburban Swim League. Guided by an outstanding professional coaching staff, the members of the Hurricanes are looking forward to another season of competition and fun.
Pre-season practice for all swimmers begins in late May.
The regular season runs through July followed by the “A” and “B” finals and the team banquet.
Returning swimmers: Deadline Sunday, March 2
Returning swimmers will receive registration materials via email and may register online beginning Sunday, 2/9 @ 8:30am. In person registration begins Monday, 2/10 @ 8:30am. Returning swimmers registering after March 2 will be enrolled as new swimmers as space is available.
DO NOT WAIT TO REGISTER – there may not be any openings available.
New Swimmers: Registration dates are listed below. Registration begins at 8:30 am on the given dates. All registration is done online at recreation.hwmi.org on a first come, first serve basis. Establish an online household account prior to your registration date to ensure prompt registration.
New HW/RO Section Grandfathered Families: Begins March 3, 8:30 am
New BSD Non-Resident: Begins March 17, 8:30 am
Please do not attempt to register before your assigned time. If an inaccurate registration occurs, you will be refunded and asked to re-register on the appropriate date/time. Limited openings available. Registration remains open until the maximum is reached. Anyone registering after the team has been filled will be placed on a waitlist. Should registration reach capacity, waitlists will be maintained by age group. Coaches determine if they can accept swimmers off the waitlist in particular age groups. Swimmers are eligible to receive a refund if requested by May 23, less a $10 administrative fee.
HW Resident: $304 ($274 + $30 team fee)
Non-Resident/BSD: $381 ($274 + $50 facility fee + 10% surcharge + team fee)
Additional Non-Resident Family Member: $331 ($274 + 10% surcharge + team fee)
The $30 team fee covers the concession fee, team t-shirt and latex swim cap for each swimmer along with the option of a free ad in the book for A or B finals.
If you have a NEW REGISTERED swimmer, parents are HIGHLY encouraged to come to the New Swimmer Parent Meeting, now MONDAY, MAY 12, 7:00 pm at the Gillham Recreation Center. Parents of returning swimmers are welcome for a refresher, but not required. The team is run by a volunteer Parent Board and facilitated by the Recreation Center.
Please direct questions to Parent Board President, Juliann Snavley at hwacswimteam@gmail.com or visit www.hwacswimming.org.